Monday, February 07, 2011

Genius we say

“Look at that child, he can recite all of our presidents and states, he knows dates and names so well, he must be a prodigy, a genius I say!” how many cases like that have you herd? And not only children, with everyone, we confuse the fact of real intelligence with skill acquired through repetition. I often have said that people who should be considered intelligent not by the mass of their knowledge but by their capacity to understand these information.
I’m a victim of people believing I am some sort of unnatural genius, family friends and acquaintances seem to cling badly on the idea that I’m some kind of Richard Feynman; I honestly see how I might be good at certain sciences and sorts but I don’t believe to be the greatest ever, but people cling so badly to this idea that they push me around the this and rage in disappointment if I don’t meet their expectations.

It would seem to me that these people look for someone of uncanny talent so that they can somehow gloat in their success, same goes for these parents of so called prodigies; and people like me get caught in the middle of people expecting and pushing towards unnatural success, and I know what happens to the one caught there but that will go for a later story.

So people let those who you believe are geniuses guide themselves, believe it or not, there is a point in which we know what’s best for us.

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